Did you know that tobacco smoking remains the biggest single preventable cause of ill health, disability and early death in Tayside. As well as the impact of smoking on health there is also conclusive evidence that second-hand exposure to tobacco smoke causes death and disease.
Support is available!
Quit your way Tayside is a FREE smoking cessation support service delivered through local pharmacies.
Pharmacy staff will assist in the development of a smoking cessation plan and will provide treatment and behavioural support through the quit journey.
You can also access the NHS Tayside Quit Your Way Helpline by calling 01382 424127 which is manned between 09.30 to 17.30 Monday to Friday (with a 24-hour answerphone out with those hours).
NHS Tayside Quit Your Way also provide some incentive schemes which you may be eligible to join. Further details can be found below
Upcoming smoking cessation advice at The Crescent:
The Tobacco Team will be in attendance at The Crescent on the following dates to provide helpful advice and support to the community and our patients. An information stand will be visible. Please feel free to pop along on any of the dates shown below:
You can also join NHS Tayside’s Quit Your Way Facebook by clicking HERE