Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS Reviews
This review will include a measurement of weight and height to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI), and a blood pressure check. Those who are identified as being at higher risk of diabetes will be offered a screening blood test.
People with PCOS are at higher risk of developing conditions like high blood pressure (hypertension), cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Because of this, national guidance advises us to review people with PCOS once a year.
Those with the following are known to be at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes;
• BMI over 25,
• Age over 40,
• Personal history of gestational diabetes (diabetes in pregnancy),
• Family history of type 2 diabetes.
When testing for diabetes, we need a fasting blood test, so please ensure you have eaten nothing from midnight on the night before your appointment, in case you are offered this blood test.
If you have been sent a text for review it will be because you are coded on our system as having PCOS. If you were not aware of this, think it is wrong, or if you have any questions, please call us to discuss further.